To complete the low-budget experience you can try out vTime. It's a social network in Virtual Reality. It might take a little while to download and install, but it's free, and once you're up and running you can easily get a feeling for the social possibilities of VR.
A first game to try out is Medium, which is free to download. In Medium, you'll be able to paint and sculpt freely in 3D, standing up or sitting down in a deskchair. It will give you an idea of how easy it is to draw objects in the air and move them around as you wish. Even for those who don't practice drawing it is a pretty enlightening experience to find out that it is possible to build and control your own world, so to speak. For social purposes, it is possible to showcase what is being drawn on a separate screen, such as a projector or a big screen. You can for example play charades, by letting one person draw and the other compete to guess what it is. Another possibility is to let consecutive users build on each others creations, leading to that hilarity ensues.
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To further discover how people make use of the Roomscale format, you can also check out Keep talking and Nobody Explodes, VR Chat and Minecraft. The freedom of the room is a pretty good indicator of how big of an impact VR might actually have in professional life in the future. 2ff7e9595c